Huzzah! An honour for Captain Fawcett

Flamboyant West Norfolk businessman Richie Finney, aka Captain Fawcett, expresses his pride at being named in the New Year’s Honours list and extols the virtues of beards with the Prince of Wales

Renowned as the colourful founder of Captain Fawcett Men’s Grooming Products in King’s Lynn, Richard Finney recently savoured the experience of a lifetime at Windsor Castle, receiving the prestigious MBE in front of his proud family.

“It was a wonderful experience; a day to remember,” enthuses Richie. “Following my initial surprise and delight upon learning of the honour, I was over the moon to discover Prince William would be conducting the investiture. He is a local lad with a country home in West Norfolk and now sports a beard, so we enjoyed exchanging thoughts on facial hair and chatting about grooming products.”

“We also celebrated the good news that the Army has now joined the Royal Navy and the RAF in lifting its ban on beards for service personnel,” he adds. “All in all, it was a triple ‘Huzzah’ moment!”

Richie’s investiture took place in one of Windsor Castle’s grand gilded state rooms, observed by his wife Christine Greenwood-Finney, his son Jack and Jack’s fiancée Miss Carolina Lapão de Morais de Abreu e Sarmento. The esteemed award acknowledges Richie’s outstanding contribution to international trade and celebrates his dedication to charitable causes.

Established in 2010 at a kitchen table in Terrington St Clement, the iconic Captain Fawcett brand was inspired by the fictional Edwardian explorer, Captain Peabody Fawcett, who disappeared in 1905 while navigating a tributary to the Congo River. In 1997, a battered trunk containing his journals and grooming recipes was discovered at a house clearance sale, forming the basis of the Captain Fawcett product range. The brand has since become a symbol of British quality in the gentleman’s grooming and haircare industry, exporting to 48 countries, winning multiple awards, and gaining an enviable reputation for its expertly-crafted products and distinctive profile. 

Beyond business, Richie has championed Captain Fawcett’s commitment to social responsibility through initiatives such as ‘BarbersRide,’ a charity motorcycle ride which has raised over £180,000 in the last nine years for Alder Hey and Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospitals and the ‘Make-A-Wish’ Foundation. In addition to children’s welfare, men’s mental health and homelessness are issues close to his heart.

While elated to have been honoured, Richie emphasises that this recognition is not his alone, but rather a reflection of collective dedication and teamwork. “It should and will be shared. I am merely the conductor of a hugely professional and incredibly creative orchestra of talent that has driven Captain Fawcett’s success,” he states. 

“Life isn’t a straight track; it’s full of potholes, detours, steep climbs and alarming descents. Therefore, it’s important to have a motivated team that supports and enhances the brand ethos and believes in it as fiercely as you do,” he continues. “Getting this formula right will result in the remarkable. Ultimately, one’s journey is shaped by fellow travellers who are willing to take the road with you. Teams evolve, people come and go, but each individual adds to the creative whole. This honour isn’t mine alone; it belongs to my stalwart companions who share the burden. We lift one another when we stumble and advance together, step by step.”

 In accepting this honour, Richie hopes to inspire others, demonstrating that with hard work and commitment, a dash of good fortune, resilience and the right support, dreams can become reality.

When reflecting on his astounding journey, Richie always acknowledges his ties to West Norfolk, where his success story has flourished. “There are some incredible businesses here,” he remarks. “I am proud to be part of this community and look forward to the challenge of continuing to expand the horizons of UK trade. Here’s to 2025!” 

To discover more about the story, spirit and fantastic personality behind the Captain Fawcett brand visit It’s thanks to unique businesses and passionate individuals that our county is such a special place to be; long may the inspiration continue.

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