Pop up in the Paddock

09 May • Owsley-Brown Catering Co. West Bilney

Set in a picturesque paddock in West Bilney, surrounded by woodland and lush greenery, caterers Matthew and Caroline Owsley-Brown’s stylish Nordic tipi provides a venue for atmospheric celebrations and exciting culinary experiences.

‘Pop-up in the Paddock’ events provide something new in an inspiring space with an Argentinian grill, tandoor oven and commercial kitchen facilities to develop richer flavours and showcase fresh seasonal produce.

The rustic set menus tend to be themed towards a certain country or style, a great restaurant or a local ingredient that has inspired the Owsley-Brown team.

The tipi has been thoughtfully designed to be sustainably off-grid, featuring wooden trestle tables and benches, quirky eco loos and twinkling fairy lights. An idyllic space that adapts to the seasons, offering alfresco dining in summer and a snug retreat with open fires and cosy rugs in the colder months.

More Info

Owsley-Brown Catering Co

Conkers, Common Rd,

West Bilney, King's Lynn

PE32 1JX

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